A really good day!

You know when you have one of those amazing days that everything just went right and it was easy?! We had one of those days this past weekend. We decided to change things up and go to the beach. Now let me say Aj and I are not beach people. I burn, he over heats, and sand gets in every nook/cranny/ and crevice. Even though we live about ten minutes from one of the top rated most beautiful beaches in the United States. That being said we figured we need to let the kids really experience the beach for them selves and make their own opinions on it. I was dreading it assuming it would be spent chasing one kid one way while Aj is yelling after the other, with whining about sand and being messy. To my surprise it was complete opposite. The kids listened, and played so nicely building sand castles, they laughed and smiled and jumped some waves. It was so, so good! We took them to put our feet in the water and the ocean was the clearest and bluer then i've ever seen it. And... I just enjoyed it, I didn't feel rushed or like I was going to loose my mind. I got to sit down on my blanket, breathe in the fresh air enjoy the view of my babies playing together with the biggest smiles of pure joy. I loved on my husband and had this moment of awe. These little people are mine, this amazingly handsome and loving man is mine, and I am so blessed. All I have ever wanted and I have it and although not everyday is easy, but I have a life many people only get to dream about. My love tank is still over flowing from Saturday, it was a day so good for my soul and when I was feeling a bit down and lousy about everyday woes. I am blessed and I need to remind myself of that more.


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