Hello August.

Can you believe summer has come and is nearly gone? Time seems to never stand still not even for a moment. With so much going on lately I feel like the days are flying by into weeks and months. Now we are getting ready for such a big milestone in our lives, our first baby is headed off to her first year of school in just two short weeks. It doesn't seem possible, we waited what seems like forever to have her and then she was born and the last four and a half years have buzzed by and now we are here. She is so big and I know she will flourish and soar in school. I can't wait to see all she learns and how her personality blooms even more. We have gotten nearly all her school supplies, the cutest little pink back pack and a my little pony lunch box she begged to have. Her uniform bottoms are all bought, hemmed, ironed and hung waiting to be worn. We have meet the teacher in a week and will buy all her school polos, and see exactly where our girl will be spending her mornings. I think she is really ready for school, me on the other hand will probably be lost the first month counting down the minutes to pick her up. We have spent everyday all day together for the last four years, it will take some adjusting to let her go. I want this place to be a place my kids can come back to and see all that I was feeling and we where doing during their lives. So here is a little letter to future Sophia.

  To my sweet Sophia, 
                          Happy First year of school. I hope you truly love and enjoy school, take these next twelve years of learning to really soak up all you can. Try new things, make friends with all types of kids, show people your true personality, be nice to people even when they aren't nice to you, find passion in learning, find your self, have fun, and don't worry to much. Your daddy and I promise to always be right here for you when you need us to help guide you. We know you are going to do great things with your life. Your such a beautiful soul and loving little girl. If we don't tell you enough, we are proud of you everyday! You will make mistakes and we won't always see eye to eye, but we will always love you and be here to listen and hopefully help you. 

                                                               I love you always & to the moon, 


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